Our Mission and Vision

More than just another health insurance company
At AmeriHealth Caritas, Care Is the Heart of Our Work®. That means that every day we put our members and their families first. We work to improve not only their health, but also the economic and social issues that can act as a barrier to proper care.
Through our whole-person care model, we emphasize preventive care, health maintenance, and community outreach programs with a strong focus on ensuring members have access to food, housing, utilities, and other basic necessities.
Our mission
We help people get care, stay well, and build healthy communities.
Our vision
To be the national leader in empowering those in need, especially the underserved and the disabled, across their full life journey, from wellness to resilience.
Ensuring equal access to health care through health equity and health literacy
Tens of millions of adults have basic or below basic health literacy2 — or the ability to understand the basic health services and instructions they receive. Even more can’t access the care they need because of social and cultural disparities.3
Low health literacy costs the U.S. billions of dollars every year and impacts the quality of care millions of Americans receive.4 In the spirit of our mission, our whole-person care model leverages Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards and strong community partnerships.
Through community outreach, collaboration with providers and their staff, and 24/7 access to interpretation services, we help to ensure each of our members gets the appropriate, unique care and services they need and deserve.
A national leader in multicultural health care
The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has awarded eight of our health plans with the prestigious Health Equity Accreditation. The award recognizes our tradition of commitment to addressing health equity and reducing health care disparities.
Meeting members where they live
From preventive screenings to community celebrations, AmeriHealth Caritas is all about mission and momentum.
Through outreach and grassroots advocacy, we work with local groups to address social issues that affect health care outcomes. We develop a firm understanding of the unique health care needs of each community we serve. This allows us to customize our programs to best improve the health of those who call the community home.
Take a closer look at our health outreach programs.
- Sanne Magnan, "Social Determinants of Health 101 for Health Care: Five Plus Five," NAM Perspectives, Discussion Paper, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, D.C., 2017, https://nam.edu/social-determinants-of-health-101-for-health-care-five-plus-five/
- “Health Literacy” PSNet, September 7, 2019, https://psnet.ahrq.gov/primer/health-literacy
- 2022 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, https://www.ahrq.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/nhqdr22/index.html
- John A. Vernon et al., "Low Health Literacy: Implications for National Health Policy," Department of Health Policy, School of Public Health and Health Services, The George Washington University, https://hsrc.himmelfarb.gwu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1173&context=sphhs_policy_facpubs